Romans 10:17


Tuesday, January 18, 2011


According to Proverbs 18:10, The Name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous can run there and be safe.
Wow! While reading this I had to stop and ask God for some clarity. Oftentimes we read and quote scripture, which is very good but there are some times that we must seek God for a deeper revelation. I asked God, "how can a 'name' be a tower?" He didn't say heaven was a tower or your prayer closet was a tower, He said His Name is a tower.
Immediately (2) very prominent and wealthy people came into mind: Oprah Winfrey and Donald Trump. Assume that you were invited by either of these two people to spend a day, week, month, or even a year with them. No doubt, you would eat good, drive good, sleep good, and experience top notch everything........I bet you know where I'm going with this. The very name of these people signifies wealth and great status. Suppose you were checking in a hotel with one of them and they forgot their wallet(very unlikely I know, just humor me)the hotel would have no problem issuing them a top of the line room, even better Donald Trump is the owner of several hotels so he would need nothing at all. While staying with them, wining and dining in their company, you would feel secure. I don't think I would have a worry at all, not about food, not about clothes, bills, or even safety.
Well, the Lord of Lords, King of Kings, creator of Oprah and Donald says that His very Name is a strong, fortified place, a place of safety and security. A place where you want for nothing. Righteous one, when danger strikes, call on the Name of the Lord and there you will find all that you need. There is safety from the roaring lion, when he roars in your marriage, in your finances, with your children, call on the Name that is above every name and He guarantees He will answer and show You His salvation. In His presence is safety. In His presence is Joy complete. In His presence you can rest from your striving. In His presence their is no doubt that He can work it out.
I encourage you, the next time the enemy is roaring as a lion, call on the Name of Jesus and watch Him fortify you with His presence.
God loves you and so do I, be blessed in Jesus Name.

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