Romans 10:17


Monday, January 10, 2011


Isaiah 43:18-20 (MSG)

Forget about what's happened; don't keep going over old history. Be alert, be present (in your right now), I'm about to do something brand-new. It's bursting out! Don't you see it? There it is! I'm making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands. (paranthesis added)

I just noticed in this scripture as I was typing that not only does God say He is doing a new thing He tells us what that new thing is. If you are like me, you have been wrestling with some things from your past, constantly rolling them over in your mind, possibly blaming yourself and others. This could be something that happened ten years ago or ten minutes ago, but you must understand that it is still considered the past, old history. God does not want us to live in our past He does however want us to learn from our past and take the fragmented pieces of our past mistakes to use them for a purpose greater than ourselves. He lets nothing go to waste, He takes the pain and shame of the past and uses it to produce a much better you for your present and future.

Your past may have led you to a desert, a dry place where it seems you have been abandoned by everyone, but God says here in Isaiah 43 that He's getting ready to make a road that will lead you out of that desert. He's about to make some stuff flow in your life and unstop your wells. All that He requires is faith, faith enough in Him to repent and believe that you have been given a new chance and a fresh new start. Faith that the "You" you see today will no longer be the "You" you encounter daily. Trust and believe that that rough patch is over and it is indeed time to walk into something new.

There is one other thing required for this to take place and that is the development of a new mind.

Unless you are willing to renew your mind you will not even recognize that road when it is presented. You will walk by the road everyday and not even realize that it is the road designed to deliver you to a better place. If you are still thinking like the "You" of your past there is no way to grab hold of the fact that God wants to do a new thing in your life. You must make it a priority to search God's Word each day on a renewed mind, you must meditate on the scriptures that tell you who you really are and where you are going.

There is a "You" designed to dominate, to live and not just exist, to have joy, peace, and love. It is yours for the asking. God wants you to become that person because it is His original intent. He wants you to have life and life more abundantly. So kiss the old "You" goodbye. Stop meditating on what you did and who did it to you. Let it go and purpose in your heart to leave it behind as you press forward to your greater purpose and God's plan for your life. Say goodbye to sadness and grief and hello to joy complete. Say goodbye to unhealthy relationships and hello to a relationship with God where He tells you daily that He loves you, you are the apple of His eye, made in His image and likeness. Say goodbye to yesterday and Hello to a brand-new "ME. "

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