Romans 10:17


Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Ladies, are you stressed out and frustrated alot??? Do you feel overwhelmed and ready for change?
Let me give you some advice: How many times a day do you wish that your spouse, friends, or children would just change? How many times do you try to make that change??? If you are like me then it is probably quite a bit.
Laadies, the only change that we have control over is change within ourselves. The only person that we are responsible for is the change in ourselves.. We cannot control another human being, especially a grown human being(yes, I'm speaking of your spouse). We can lift them in prayer and give words of guidance and even correction but we are not responsible for their process of change, that is between them and God. Yes, there are issues in our lives and families that drive us up the wall and make us want to give up but there is a scripture in the bible that says, We have not because we ask not(James 4;2), you mean it can be that simple, just ask? That is just how simple it is. God is available to bring change in any situation. Most of the time, He will speak to us about change within our ownselves, if it is a situation that needs to be changed or dealt with He will do that too. Bottom line, He(God) brings about the change. even in ourselves, we can not even change ourselves that is also something that God has to do. Our job is to present the situation or circumstance to him in faith and believe that He can and will perform the change.
Every good and perfect gift comes from above, I dont know about you but I believe its good to get along with your spouse and its good raise happy children and its good to have healthy relationships. So instead of trying to change yourself and others stop and ask God to do it for you, ask Him for the grace and wisdom to handle your circumstances and watch him show up. You will find that He wants it more than you.
It's time ladies, to live abundantly, stress free, frustration free. Full of life and love, letting God be God.
1)Recognize that You cannot change anyone but you.
2) Seek God's Word for your situation.
3) Commit your spouse, children, and friends to Him and watch Him establish them for you.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Expect the Unexpected!!

We often hear expect the unexpected, but do we believe that there is such a thing? It is time to arise and take faith to the ultimate level, to a new dimension. Do you know why people don't believe in the 1 true God they way they should? Well, I will tell you. There are no signs and wonders following. According to Mark 16:17,18, signs should follow those of us who believe. I for one repent for unbelief, I repent for not grabbing a hold of God's Word the way that He wants me to and for not doing the great and mighty things that He said I could do and should do. I am expecting the unexpected! I am expecting to be used mightily of God, to open blind eyes, heal the sick and yes, raise the dead. I am a willing powerful vessel for God. Church, play time is over, time to get down to business. Time out for church as ususal "saints."When Jesus walked this earth, He performed great and mighty miracles, even skeptics came to believe that He was who He was. He said that we could and should do even greater. We must talk faith,we must walk faith,we must become faith for faith pleases our God, faith gets the job done and it is the only way to accomplish our duties of ambassador while on this earth.
Are you expecting the unexpected?!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Woman on the Move

Destiny is calling, will you answer?
Women, you are well qualified to do all that God has said you can do. You are powerful and strong yet feminine and smooth. You are a fireball with just the right intensity. You have the power to change the world around you and that starts from within. Just imagine you change your own child, sister, neice, or friend and then they in turn change others around them. You, my sister are the beginning of a mighty revolution. We are wisdom, for she is a woman. We are strength, because without it you could not bear man.
Destiny is calling answer while there is still time. Launch out into the deep waters and let God be your guide.
B Blessd Ladies of Wisdom, Knowledge and Strength.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Strength In Numbers

The bible says that where there is unity God Himself commands a blessing.
I don't know about you but I want to be blessed and not just for myself but for those that I love and care for.
I cannot express this enough, we need one another. Just the presence of a fond friend brings a certain joy in your heart. Joy as we know is good for the heart. A joyful woman, a happy woman is good for the entire household. Don't neglect the time with your sisters. Make time to nourish your old relationships and make new ones. Get rid of that negative tone that we have about other women. Pray and ask God to bless your life with women that will nurture the greatness in you.
There is strength in numbers.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our Sisters

Hello ladies,
so many things are going on the world and in our families that have the tendency to break us down. it is the devil's plan as you know to kill, steal, and destroy but one important weapon that we have against him is our unity. we need each other; women need women. we need the strength, intelligence, and wisdom of other women. where you're weak that's where i'm strong and where you're strong i am weak.

this site is a place for us as women to come together and share in depth testimonies and personal triumphs to help our sisters. it is also a place for those that have not yet reached the place of testimony but are right in the middle of the battle. i love my sisters, we are strong and capable of anything but the problem is we don't know our strenth, beauty, and worth or we do know it and yet our sisters won't help celebrate it.

we have the power to change that. we are going to celebrate our sisters going back to school, escaping those abusive relationships, beginning a new marriage,or starting a new ministry.
we are going to dedicate ourselves to become less haters and more motivators.
b blessed my beautiful women of worth.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

promotion ladies is on the way.
are you ready and willing to be used by God like never before?
do you have your sights set on the one above looking to Him with limitless faith, willing to do? whatever He says however He says to do it.
does your heart cry for your sister who you know is hurting and in need?
I urge you to begin to prepare for an outpouring of HIS glory as never before and be as willing as you can do do with it what HE requires.
B Blessed Ladies of Wisdom, love and victory

Woman to Woman

Good morning ladies, it is yet another wonderful day. I know that you have your laundry list of things to do today. I urge you before beginning your day to set aside time with your Lord and and Savior and with yourself. Make it your mission to be a giver today and include your self in the recipient list. DO NOT forget to do something for you, something that will make you smile and give you a gentle push to move forward. We are so concerned about those around us as we should but remember that you have a responsibility to yourself as well. Try a new lipstick today or a new color eyeshadow. Do something to enhance the woman within.
Love you and God bless.
Today is the day that the Lord has made rejoice [my sisters] and be glad in it. Psalm 118;24